

UBC IT arranges campus-wide licensing agreements for common and widely used software titles and provides consultation on the purchase of non-standard software for research, teaching or administrative purposes.

For more information on available software, please visit the UBC IT Software Licensing page.  For specific software requirements and needs, UBC IT Okanagan provides consultation and advice on purchasing. This page provides more information on specific software requirements.

Requirements & Eligibility

  • Eligibility for software products may be restricted based on your affiliation with the university (e.g., student, staff, faculty, research, graduate research); restricted to specific faculties and activities (e.g., department owned software); or restricted to specific purposes such as teaching and/or research
  • The majority of the UBC software catalog is offered for UBC managed devices only. However, some software may have availability for personal devices
  • Departments wishing to purchase non-standard software are responsible for engaging vendors or resellers to obtain licensing options and quotes, receiving an approved Privacy Impact Assessment, and engaging with Procurement prior to purchasing.


  • UBC faculty and staff are eligible to access a wide array of software for teaching and research purchases
  • Costs for software are dependent on the type of license and form of agreement UBC has with the vendor. We recommend checking the software catalog for more information on specific titles of interest
  • Faculty and staff can purchase software not offered by UBC (non-standard software). Contact UBCO Engagement Services to discuss your specific needs and to consult on the software purchase process

Further Information

Getting Started



Service Responsibilities

The following table clarifies the responsibilities of UBC Okanagan IT and those of the client.

UBC Software
Maintenance of server infrastructure x
Software and security updates x
Authority to disable application if compromised x
Installing, updating and renewing certificates x
Monitor for product updates and application maintenance x
Monitor and initiate software renewal, as required x
User software training x
Initial end-user support and issue resolution x
End-user support and issue escalation x
Non-Standard Software
Evaluate software alignment to UBC requirements and standards x
Request Privacy Impact Assessment x
Engage Procurement to review and sign Contract or Terms of Service prior to purchasing x
Consult with CTL or LT Hub to evaluate Teaching & Learning software prior to purchasing x
Engage Procurement when considering the cumulative spend for the software to determine if a Public Process will apply x
Secure department approval, sponsor, and funding x
Monitor and initiate software renewal x
User software training x
End-user support x