UBCO Computer Labs – Hardware and Software

Hardware & Software:

  • Computer labs vary in size from 16 stations up to 41 stations and are arranged by tier.
    • Tier 1 labs are considered general-use classrooms, bookable through the campus academic scheduling process.
      • Hardware:
        • Equipment is supported, and replaced based on life cycling funded through UBCO IT.
        • If you would like to request changes to the hardware in a computer lab, please submit a ticket to the UBC Self-Service Portal for assistance.
      • Software:
        • All computer labs come pre-loaded with basic software such as Microsoft Office and Adobe Acrobat Reader. Individual labs may also have a variety of other specific software installed to meet instructional needs, through a request process by the programs or courses scheduled to use the specific space.  A list of available software is provided below.
        • If you would like to request that software be updated in particular lab, new software be installed, please see our Computer Labs – Software Requests page.
      • New hardware and software requests for Tier 1 computer labs must be requested as soon as possible as capital planning is cyclic and hardware upgrades are planned on a multi-year cycle.
    • Tier 2 labs are department-specific, with restricted access for bookings by the assigned departments only.
      • Hardware:
        • Equipment life cycling, maintenance and support is the responsibility of the assigned department.
        • If you would like to request changes to the hardware in a computer lab, please submit a ticket to the UBC Self-Service Portal for assistance.
      • Software:


Tier 1* Computer Lab List

Name Bookable Machines Type Description
{{ item.name }}
{{ item.machines }} {{ item.type }} {{ item.description }}

{{ item.name }}


Description {{ item.description }}
Number of Machines {{ item.machines }}
Machine Type {{ item.type }}


  • {{f}}

Software List

{{ i.software }} {{ i.version }}