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High-risk websites to be blocked starting Friday

High-risk websites to be blocked

On March 23, 2018, UBC Cybersecurity will be implementing network security upgrades at UBC’s Okanagan campus for all wired connections and the ubcsecure wireless network.

This upgrade will add a layer of protection to prevent unintentional visits to known high-risk websites through the internet. After the upgrade, if you’re on a UBC network and accidentally click on a link to a high-risk website, your browser will redirect you to a block page.

For example, if you receive a phishing email with a link to a fraudulent website and accidentally click on it, you will see the block page.

Please note: This process is automatic and the university is not acting as a censor. This service will not track individual user website activity. For more information and an FAQ about this new security upgrade, visit: