News Archives

UBC Research Data Management Fall Series 2020

Interested in learning more about research data management (RDM)? Heard about the Tri-Agency’s upcoming RDM Policy and want to know how to meet the requirements?

The UBC RDM Fall Series 2020 will run daily virtual sessions from September 28 – October 16.

These sessions will walk through the full research data lifecycle, with a series of hands-on workshops that build on one another using a mock research project and data (although we encourage you to bring your own project if you’d like!). We’ll explore practical skills that will allow you to meet Tri-Agency requirements, organize and maintain control of your data, and develop workflows for your research lab.

These sessions are open to all UBC faculty, staff, and students, and will be presented by the UBC Research Commons, UBC Advanced Research Computing (ARC), the UBC Okanagan Library, and the UBC Centre for Scholarly Communications.

View the full schedule on the Research Commons’ website and REGISTER ONLINE NOW

Message from the CIO – August 2020

August 31, 2020

August marks the sixth month since UBC transitioned to remote teaching, learning, and working in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. September preparedness this year has taken on a very different pace within the OCIO and UBC IT as a result of converging priorities and supporting the remote experience in addition to the usual start of term activities.

Updates to the community this month include:

  • MS Teams and OneDrive
  • Discounted technology for students
  • Zoom passcode security updates
  • Workday training
  • Integrated Services Centre

To read the full update from the CIO, Jennifer Burns, click HERE.

UBC IT Community Update – July 30, 2020

Read this month's news from Jennifer Burns, Associate Vice-President, Information Technology & Chief Information Officer, including details on:

  • Implementation of Microsoft Teams (MS Teams) and OneDrive
  • Remote Access to Application Software and Computer Lab Resources
  • Discounted Vendor Packages for Students
  • Internet Connectivity Improvement for International Students
  •  Relaxed FIPPA Data Residency Requirements Extended

Read the full update HERE.

Register for 2020 UBC Research Computing Summer Sessions

Interested in high-performance computing? Want to learn a new programming language?

UBC Advanced Research Computing (ARC) is hosting the 4th annual UBC Research Computing Summer Sessions from August 17th-28th, 2020. This year, the program will be offered virtually in the form of a series of webinars and hands-on online workshops. The Summer Sessions are free and open to faculty, staff, students, and interested members of the public.

Courses will explore introductory and advanced topics in high-performance computing, Linux and Bash Shell programming, and provide valuable insight into UBC’s latest high-performance computing infrastructure, UBC ARC Sockeye.

View the full schedule on the ARC website.


For more information and questions regarding the 2020 UBC Research Computing Summer Sessions, please email

buyIT Website Retired

To prepare for the launch of Workday this fall, UBC IT Okanagan will be retiring the buyIT technology equipment purchasing portal on August 1, 2020. Staff and faculty can continue to request quotes or purchase items such as computers, software and technology accessories by submitting a ticket to the IT helpdesk at More details about using Workday to purchase technology equipment will be coming soon.

UBC Okanagan CMS Maintenance

Please note the UBCO WordPress CMS is scheduled for maintenance on August 6th between 6:00pm and 8:00pm.  Sites affected include any website on the Okanagan based WordPress CMS.

Your website may be unavailable during this maintenance period but will automatically come back online. Some periodical maintenance messages may appear during this maintenance window so please refrain from making website changes or adding content during this time.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact the Web and Applications team by entering a ticket in the helpdesk.

Thank you.


UBC IT Okanagan Website Redesign Launch – July 16, 2020 15:00-17:00

UBC IT Okanagan will be launching a redesigned website on July 16, 2020 15:00-17:00. During this maintenance period, the website may be unavailable intermittently.

The new UBC IT Okanagan website will feature:

  • A new Service Catalogue quick search filter
  • Simplified, clearer Support and Contact pages
  • Quicklinks to commonly used products and services
  • Dynamic lists of Popular, New, and Featured articles from the UBCO Knowledge base (KnowIT)
  • More communication sources for UBC IT bulletins, social media, and general news/updates
  • A modern, polished, user-friendly design using the UBCO WordPress CMS

For questions and feedback on the new UBC IT Okanagan website feel free to contact:

Steve Quilala
UBCO IT Web & Applications

UBC Upgrading to Improved Malware Protection Solution

Cisco Advanced Malware Protection (AMP) is now the recommended and preferred malware protection solution for all computers managed by UBC IT.  This solution will replace Sophos Antivirus for all UBC supported desktops and laptops, with the UBC Sophos Antivirus license expiring July 29, 2020. 

What does this mean?

Computers provided by UBC Okanagan – Windows and Mac (those with a UBC asset tag - apart from a small number of workstations that may be attached to research instruments)– will automatically have Sophos uninstalled and Cisco AMP installed starting in May in advance of the Sophos expiration.

UBC IT (Vancouver and Okanagan) will ensure that your UBC provided computer has up-to-date malware protection solution installed. The software is updated automatically and no action is required on your part to keep your software up-to-date and compliant with UBC’s Information Security Standard #07 (Securing Computing and Mobile Storage computers / Media) .

The roll out will be phased to ensure the transition is smooth and largely invisible to users. Notification will not be sent when the transition happens – it will occur silently in the background.

The only visible difference will be a new icon in the task tray (click here for detailed screenshots for different operations systems). 

Any new devices with the new operating system rolled out earlier this year have already been updated with Cisco AMP.

Some users have been identified as being at higher risk of attack by the UBC Cybersecurity Team. These users will have CrowdStrike Falcon Sensor installed on their UBC managed devices by UBC IT Okanagan instead of Cisco AMP. No action is required by these users for this alternative solution and the install will be completely invisible to these users.

Personal Devices

Please note: The following is for informational purposes only, as UBC IT Okanagan does not provide support for personal devices.

If you have used the UBC license for Sophos on a personally-owned computer, you can view a list of popular no-cost antivirus alternatives for personal devices recommended by UBC IT

Why is this important?

Anti-malware software (also known as antivirus software) is an important tool to help prevent cyber-attacks. UBC’s Information Security Standard #7 (Securing Computing and Mobile Storage computers / Media) requires that computing devices used for University Business must have up-to-date anti-malware software installed at all times, configured to update at least once per day.

This initiative is a planned upgrade for the whole university and is not part of the increased security precautions launched recently to combat the increasing risk of cyber attacks. However UBC IT Okanagan is coordinating this upgrade with the other security controls being deployed. For a full list and updated details on the increased cyber security matters, visit the Privacy Matters website.


For more information on the upgrade, including frequently asked questions and technical references, please visit this page on the Cybersecurity Confidential Communications site (CWL login required) or contact if you have any further questions.

Guidance for supervisors who are planning IT needs for working remotely

To all supervisors:

UBC IT Okanagan has been working with many staff members and units to begin moving to a remote work situation in line with the pilot underway supporting social distancing with the COVID-19 outbreak. We have received several calls from staff whom have enacted plans, only to run into complications at home and requiring further support.

Read the full message

Update – UBCO Service Desk Hours

March 26th, 2020 - With the recent announcement by the University of the need to take additional measures to support social distancing in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the UBC Okanagan IT Help Desk walk-in facility is closed until further notice. Customers can contact us via our ticketing system online at or phone at 250-807-9000 from 7:30am to 4:30pm Monday to Friday. Onsite appointments can be accommodated by request between the hours of 10am-12pm or 1pm-3pm by submitting a ticket (New ticket -> Something Else). For more details on how UBC IT has prepared to support the campus response to the COVID-19 virus please read the Community Update from the CIO.
March 20th, 2020 - Effective as of 4pm today the Service Desk will be closed for walk up traffic.  We are still open and available through our ticketing system at or via phone at 250-807-9000 from 7:30am to 4:30pm Monday to Friday. Onsite appointments can be accommodated by request from 9am-12pm or 1pm-3pm by submitting a ticket (New ticket -> Something Else). We appreciate your patience during this time as our staff deal with a very high volume of requests and transition to supporting the campus remotely.
March 16th, 2020 - Effective today we will be adjusting our service desk hours to 7:30am to 4:30pm for the time being. Currently this is for both phone hours and walk up service desk hours.  We expect further updates to follow as more information is available. For self-service options about working from home please see the following articles: UBC provided devices - Personal devices -