IT Services Guide for New Employees
Welcome to UBC Okanagan!
UBC IT Okanagan (UBCO IT) offers technology solutions, tools, support, and other resources to enhance your productivity and experience at UBC Okanagan (UBCO). This information page is intended to provide new employees some information which you’ll need to know.
A complete list of IT services available can be found here: UBC IT Okanagan Services.
The UBCO IT Service Centre provides basic information, support and advice to faculty and staff on IT services, hardware and software provided by UBCO IT. There are four ways to gain support for offered UBCO IT services:
- Online support request with the UBC Self–Service Portal.
- Request access to UBC IT Services or Resources
- Report a problem with UBC Hardware and Software
- Keep track of your IT incidents and service requests by accessing the View My Tickets area
- Access the library of IT and Workday knowledge articles with a range of self-service resources and information about IT tools and services
- Online self-service with UBCO IT knowledge base
- By phone for urgent, time-sensitive support at 250-807-9000 (79000 from on campus). Phone support available 7:30am to 4:30pm Monday to Friday.
- In person for quick or urgent support at the UBCO IT walk-up service desk. Due to resourcing we recommend scheduling a walk-up appointment prior to arriving or checking the live stream to confirm the Service Centre window is open.
* Student support is provided by the Student Tech Support located in the Library.
As required under Policy SC14, Acceptable Use and Security of UBC Electronic Information and Systems, the CIO has published Information Security Standards that govern the use and protection of University data and computing resources. All Users of UBC Electronic Information and Systems are responsible and accountable for following these Standards.
See: Information Security Standards for more information including a complete list of the Standards, resources, glossary and Frequently Asked Questions.
All services and applications that require a CWL account to log in will also require a second factor of authentication at initial log in. This includes Virtual Private Network (VPN), Outlook Web Access ( or, and any CWL-authenticated web application (e.g. SharePoint, Canvas, Qualtrics, etc.)
Follow the detailed step-by-step instructions to enroll your first device. Once you are enrolled you can manage any of the authentication methods associated with your account, including adding or removing a device. See UBC Multi-factor Authentication.
As a full-time, ongoing faculty or staff member, you may have received a UBC computer which has been configured with the standard image using UBC licensed software. Additional accessories (i.e. monitor(s), web cam, wireless keyboard or mouse) must be purchased by the department.
For research computers, see Research Computing.
For personally-owned computing devices used for University Business either at home or off campus, you must install up-to-date anti-malware and spyware cleaning software (except for smartphones and tablets that do not offer this feature) and configure it to update at least once per day. There are many options for your choice of current anti-malware, including the installation of UBC-recommended EDR software at no cost. For more information, see: Minimum Cybersecurity Controls for UBC Employees
Faculty and staff at UBC are provided with an Faculty and Staff mail (FASmail), complete with calendaring features. You can access FASmail using the Outlook program or via a web browser.
Your actual FASmail address is <cwl> For your convenience, you can provision an email alias in the form of Any mail addressed to your email alias will be delivered to your actual email address. See: How to Alias FASmail
For more information on UBC email including how to set up UBC email on your personal device, see: UBC Faculty & Staff Email FAQ
Please Note:
- All UBC employees, including Student employees, will be granted access to FASmail during their employment. Access is revoked at the end of the appointment.
- UBC FASmail accounts are intended for official use, to conduct UBC business.
- Student Employees should not use FASmail for academic purposes as access to the email will be revoked at the end of their appointment.
UBCO hosts several wireless networks which are available across the Campus. Information on available Wifi can be found here: UBCO IT Wifi
All users on the ‘ubcsecure’ wireless network are required to use the WPA2-Enterprise protocol and encryption scheme. Users should run the Autoconnect Tool to configure their ‘ubcsecure’ wireless network profile, or follow the appropriate documentation below to manually re-configure the wireless network profile.
Staff and Faculty at UBC can choose which storage solution best suits their needs. See: UBC Storage Features Comparison Chart
Online / Cloud Storage:
- OneDrive (Your Personal Online Storage): Microsoft (MS) OneDrive is a file hosting and synchronization service operated by Microsoft, as part of their suite of MS 365 applications. MS OneDrive allows users to securely store, share, and synchronize files and folders from anywhere at any time. OneDrive can be accessed online at using a personal or UBC device. See: Microsoft OneDrive
- Teams & SharePoint (Your Team’s Online Storage): Microsoft (MS) Teams is a collaboration tool for groups to create content and share the information they need to work together. The tool is operated by Microsoft as part of their MS 365 suite. MS Teams enables users across the University to connect via instant messaging, video conferencing, online meetings, and simultaneously work on a document in real-time together. See: Microsoft Teams / SharePoint
Network Drives:
- Home Drive (your network drive): The Home Drive provides a system for users to securely store their files to a UBC IT managed service. The data in your Home Drive is secured using your EAD account, and the contents of it cannot be accessed by others. If you need to share files, you can use another service such as the Network file storage or Microsoft OneDrive. For more information including support documentation, see: UBC Personal Network Storage
- Network File Storage (shared network drives. i.e., K: or P: drive): network storage allows Faculty and Staff to securely store and share files with colleagues internal to UBC. The data is secured using EAD groups; only members of the designated EAD group or groups can access the data. Your department may submit a request to UBCO IT for you to have access. See: Okanagan Campus Network File Storage for information on how to connect.
UBC IT arranges campus-wide licensing agreements for common and widely used software titles and provides consultation on the purchase of non-standard software for research, teaching or administrative purposes.
For information on available software, visit the UBC IT Software Licensing page. For support downloading an application or to order other software not currently offered, submit an Order New Software ticket in the UBC Self-Service Portal.
The UBC IT Enterprise Services Status page provides current information about the status of our enterprise services.
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