You can now present/share content wirelessly in UBCO meeting rooms using AirPlay for Mac computers and iPhone/iPads or Miracast for Windows devices.
This removes the need to plug in an HDMI cable (directly or through a dongle) and allows you to wirelessly share your screen to either the in-room display or within a video conference call.
To use this new feature your device will need to be connected to the ubcsecure wireless network in one of the following rooms:
- ADM: 002d, 006a, 013, 013j, 103i, 119
- ARTS: 276
- ASC: 412
- EME: 2124, 3112, 3124, 3284, 4116, 4143, 4218, 4245, 4289
- LIB: 314d
- UNC: 321, 325a, 334
- SCI: 253, 331
- IA1: 115
- OM2: 138
- Landmark 4: 637, 650
In Cisco dual display meeting rooms (those who two display screens), both screens can now be utilized during a meeting or video call. Note: when no content is shared you will see the participants on both screens.
View the full Generic Cisco Usage Guide for more details on sharing content in a meeting room.